Employee Incentive Programs can increase employee engagement and workplace motivation, show appreciation for good work and drive your team towards its goals.  


Identify your objectives:

The first step in creating an employee incentive program is to identify your objectives. What do you want to achieve with this program? Do you want to increase productivity, boost employee morale, or reduce turnover? Once you know your objectives, you can design a program that is tailored to your goals.


Understand your employees:

To create a successful incentive program, you need to understand your employees. What motivates them? Do they prefer cash rewards or non-cash incentives? Do they value recognition or flexibility? Understanding your employees’ needs and preferences will help you design an incentive program that resonates with them.


Choose the right incentives:

The incentives you choose should be aligned with your objectives and your employees’ preferences. Some common incentives include bonuses, gift cards, extra paid time off, flexible work arrangements, unique travel experiences and recognition programs. Choose incentives that are meaningful to your employees and that will motivate them to achieve your objectives.


Set clear and measurable goals:

Your incentive program should have clear and measurable goals. For example, if your objective is to increase sales, you should set a specific target that employees must meet to qualify for the incentive. Make sure the goals are achievable and realistic, and that they align with your overall business objectives.


Communicate the program:

Once you have designed your incentive program, you need to communicate it to your employees. Explain the objectives, the incentives, and the goals. Make sure your employees understand the program and how they can qualify for the incentives. Provide regular updates on progress towards the goals.


Measure and evaluate:

To ensure the success of your incentive program, you need to measure and evaluate its effectiveness. Use metrics such as productivity, turnover, and employee satisfaction to determine if the program is achieving its objectives. If the program is not working as expected, make changes to improve it.


How Can Print Avenue Help You With Your Employee Incentive Program?

Print Avenue helps our clients both clearly communicate their incentive programs and help commemorate and/or fulfill their incentive programs.  

Case Study:  A national insurance company rewards the top earners in their sales force with a multi-faceted incentive program every year. They spent years painstakingly sourcing award products from multiple vendors, manually assembling and fulfilling kits, and consistently missing deadlines or failing at crucial product delivery coordination to coincide with their events. We leveraged our vast network for promotional materials, produced customized print collateral, and ensured their deadlines were met.  Additionally, we took the manual work of creating content out of the hands of the facilitators, and allowed the award recipients to customize their own products, everything from stationery to photo albums. We also provide them key metrics and analytics in the form of on-demand reporting to allow them to better understand which programs have been the most successful and well received by their sales force. Our comprehensive program management for this client’s incentive team has made us an indispensable vendor for them, and all the hard work has paid off with over 15 years of continued renewal of the incentive Program.